My name is Erin and I'm a family portrait and wedding photographer. I’ve spent my career in fashion photography, and after having my own family, the documenting of every day life- the big and the little celebrations- has become increasingly precious.

I started Eve Photography to help you to preserve your beautiful and fleeting family moments, because time really does move quickly, especially in those very early years.

I love people. Photography is an amazing way to connect with others, and I’m honoured that I get to do this for a living.

I also love a wild beach, days wandering around London, fireworks, dogs (I’ll say hello to them before I do you), historical novels, discos in the kitchen (well, anywhere really), nineties rom-coms, visiting art galleries at night, and anything a little bit ‘magic’. You’ll probably find me having a nosey in antique shops, listening to true crime podcasts on dog walks, nursing a cider in an ‘old man’ pub, and dismantling the patriarchy.

Eve Photography is based in the lovely market town of Bishop’s Stortford, on the Hertfordshire / Essex border. I also work in London and Cambridgeshire and will happily travel on request. I have links to the Peak District so please contact me if you’d like some dreamy portraits in the Moorlands, with no travel fee.

If you’re decided you’d like to work together, or would like to know more, I’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch…